Benefits of Solar Electricity Systems to Homes and Businesses
- Solar Power Systems utilise the light from the sun to produce electricity.
- Solar PV modules generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases.
- Solar electricity can meet complete power requirements of a household/ business or supplement a part of it.
- This energy when harnessed can effortlessly supply power to your property.
- PV technology is highly-reliable.
- Solar PV modules are generally flat and have no moving parts.
- Solar PV Systems provide a renewable source of energy and helps reduce carbon foot print.
- The energy produced can also be stored in batteries for future use.
- Excess electricity can be supplied to the grid. This lowers your electricity bill.
- Manufactures product warranty period of 10 years for solar PV modules.
- Warranty: 25 years performance guarantee. ( 90% up to 10 years 80% up to 25 years)
Grid Connect Systems
A grid-connected Solar PV system is an array of photovoltaic modules connected via an inverter (which converts Direct Current DC to Alternating Current AC in the property).
How do grid connected solar power systems work?
- A solar powered system is connected to the grid at all times
- It will supply the house or business load first, then export to the grid automatically if excess energy is produced
- You will receive whole sale price as a payment (Feed In Tariff-FiT approx 8c per kWh) when excess is sent to the grid
- Solar systems are designed to meet client’s needs, expectations and budget
- If the system is undersized for the demand the grid will automatically provide the difference
- In dull days and at night the load required will be automatically supported by the grid.
Off Grid / Remote Systems
Many people are choosing to have an off grid solar power system (stand-alone) especially if there is no power supply close to their property. It generally costs a considerable amount of money to get the electricity supply there and this option can save money and never having an electricity bill every again.
The technology has improved and today it’s more efficient and affordable without missing out on home comforts.
How do off grid solar power systems work?
- Off Grid Solar Power Systems are not connected to the grid or your electricity supply at any time.
- An off grid solar system is sized to meet the demand of all households/businesses usage 24/7.
- This is achieved by designing the system to cover all conceivable uses of electrical in the homes/businesses, sheds and pumping etc.
- There will be a battery backup system in place to store renewable energy.
- When there are dull days and at night a generator is in place if needed to cope with the load.
Self-Use Hybrid Systems
The choice is available for people to choose a Self-Use Solar Powered System (hybrid system). This means you can to have an off grid solar power system (stand-alone) and still be connected to the grid or your electricity supply at the same time.
This system is achieved by technology used to control whether you use:
- Energy instantly
- Batteries used to store excess electricity during the day
- After batteries are fully charged; any excess energy will be feed back to the grid
- This creates a backup system of power for later use
Consumption of energy in most households occurs in the evening, while most solar energy is generated during the day. A hybrid solar power system gets more out of self-generated solar energy by storing it for use at your convenience.
Free Standing Systems
Don’t have a suitable roof to install solar power systems?
You can opt for Free Standing Systems. Thanks to their stable base, free Standing Systems don’t need a wall or ceiling support.
Many homes and businesses in Albury Wodonga and other parts of Australia have roofs that are structurally-unsuitable for solar power system installation. Air conditioners and shading issues from trees may also prevent people from installing solar power systems in their homes. They are also not considered aesthetically pleasing by some clients.
Ground Mount & Pole Mount Systems are commonly used when there is plenty of space or there isn’t a suitable roof. Generally concrete footings are required for both types of systems using an aluminium or galvanised steel frame construction. These structures are engineered to cope with the loads and forces meeting Australia Standards & Building Code of Australia.
The pole and ground mount structures can be easily adjusted manually to access the maximum solar gain when the season changes from summer to winter.
Roof Mounted & Tilt Frame Systems
- Are generally facing north for maximum output
- Avoid shading issues from trees, air-conditioners etc. if possible to maximum solar output
- The solar modules are mounted onto an aluminium frame construction
- The framework is engineered to cope with the loads and forces
- Our frame work meets Australia Standards & Building Code of Australia
Solar Tracking Systems
Global warming has led to the widespread adoption of green energy generated by renewable sources like solar power. Owing to this, the demand for a sustainable power generating solution like solar tracking has also increased.
Basically, a solar tracking system is used to adjust the solar panel/reflector toward the sun. At Glynncorp Electrical, we offer a patented DEGERenergie Maximum Light Detection (MLD) technology that goes a long way in improving the energy yield of solar power plants by up to 35-45% compared to fixed systems depending on the latitude. Based in Albury Wodonga, here’s what sets our tracking system apart from the rest:
- Close to 50,000 systems have been installed across the globe
- Made in Germany, the system is the product of unmatched German engineering
- The steel frame is manufactured under license in Australia
- Low maintenance – the system needs to be greased only once every year
- The operations costs are also minimal
All in all, our solar tracking system is not only robust and durable but also comes with a complete warranty. Rest assured Glynncorp Electrical are dedicated and will assist you in saving costs and becoming more sustainable.
Reducing Demand
Solar Electricity Systems will help you reduce your electricity charges, but it’s important to reduce the total amount of electricity you consume.
Here are some tips on how it can be done:
- Simply switch off standby loads e.g. TVs DVDs, Computers when not in use.
- Utilising motion sensors, home automation systems and timers.
- Use energy efficient appliances e.g. fridge, washing machine etc.
- Use energy efficient appliances e.g. fridge, washing machine etc.
- Avoid quartz halogen down lights. They can be replaced with LED’s or compact fluorescent.
- To reduce heat build-up, you can position summer shading or reflective coatings on west-facing windows.
- High grade insulation to reduce heat in summer and store heat in winter.
- Use 100% block out curtains to block out the heat in summer and cold in winter.
- Any large electrical loads could utilise off peak tariffs e.g. pool pumps or change to solar pump.
Battery Storage
Content Coming Soon…
Water Pumps
There is no denying that a majority of the energy produced in this world is used to operate a variety of pumps. Whether it is submersible or surface pumps, solar pumping offers a number of advantages over traditional form of pumping.
At Glynncorp Electrical, we clearly understand the importance and benefits of installing solar power photovoltaic (PV) modules to supply to the pump/motor:
- For one, it is designed for new or retro fitted to existing installations
- It’s also used for low head and high volume water transfer
- Then, for high head high volume pumping, nothing beats the PV modules
- These can also supply to Brushless DC motors up to 2.1kW and
- Three Phase motors up to 150kW
- Also ISO 9001 and CE certified
Here are some of the typical solar pumping applications:
- Swimming pool filtration and circulation
- Landscape/waterfalls
- Transfer
- Bore pumping for stock and domestic
- Irrigation reticulation
- Centre Pivot and Lateral irrigation
- Perfect for 3 phase flood/surface irrigation lift pumping and sprinkler & subsurface irrigation
- Areas where access to 3 phase power is difficult or costly, solar pumping provides a no running cost option
- A terrific option where diesel is being utilized to reduce running and maintenance costs
- Greatly lowers noise levels
Safeguards against rising electricity and diesel costs - Helpful in Utility/Large scale pumping

Small Scale Solar Pumping
WATERBOY SSP600 is a Centrifugal solar pump system, especially designed for swimming pool filtration and circulation, pond management, landscape waterfalls or even low head high volume water transfer. The SSP600 can be fitted to either a new installation or retro fitted to an existing pool, required is a minimum 400 Watts at 48VDC. Maximum pumping capacity is obtained with 740 Watts/48V producing 160 liters per minute at 6 meters of lift 60 Kpa and 105 Liters per minute at 12 meters /120 Kpa.
Some of the SSP600 key features include:
- Voltage range 48 Volts, Max 100Voc
- Power range up to 740 Watts
- Solar or battery or combination
- Maximum functional lift capability 15m or 50ft
- Highly reliable, centrifugal wet end
- 1 1/2 inch inlet / outlet
- Built in strainer basket with easy access, see-thru top
- High Efficiency Brushless DC motor technology
- Modular concept with separate electronics, motor and pump makes system easily repairable
- Plastic housing with Corrosion proof composite impeller designed for use in salt water
- CE certified
- ISO 9001
State of the art controller includes:
- Fully adjustable speed and remote switching timer
- Remote switching contacts
- Clear cover allows visible inspection of connections and of indicator LED status lights
- MPPT and current booster technology incorporated
- Mounted above ground for longer life and easy access
Solar Bore Pumping
Even though the wind mill has been in use for time immemorial, more and more farmers in Australia and other parts of the world are now opting for solar energy to pump water. The fact remains that solar offers less moving parts, works without generating any noise and can run throughout the day in a seamless fashion. The solar-powered system does require fencing so as to protect from stock.
Why choose Solar Technology for bore pumping?
We at Glynncorp Electrical understand the essence of water for all life. That is why we offer the WATERBOY Solar Pump 4HRSS-H that will help you become highly efficient. Whether yours is a commercial or industrial requirement, we can fulfill your bore pumping requirements without any hassles.
Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems: Clean Electricity from the light of the Sun
- Operates similar to any other bore pumping systems
- OH&S requirement addressed with minimal maintenance
- The source of power is solar energy via solar modules photovoltaic (PV)
- PV technology is effortless, reliable and reduces carbon foot print
- Water Boy solar pumps and controllers have a 2 year warranty
- The pump and motor assembly is made using 316 stainless steel
- Pumps utilize a helical rotor wet end, coupled to a brushless DC motor
- The motor is electronically controlled by a fully adjustable MPPT controller
- The pump provides excellent lift and efficiency even at low speeds and flow rates
- Adjustable speed and timer control is standard
Large Scale Solar Pumping
Large scale solar pumping is perfect for industries. Whatever exact needs you may have, the team at Glynncorp Electrical can offer you service with experience. Our Albury Wodonga setup is based between two major cities, Melbourne and Sydney. This allows us to respond to your queries in a quick and effective way.
There is no denying that installing solar power photovoltaic (PV) modules to supply the motor/pump offers amazing benefits such as:
- It can be designed for new or retro fitted to existing installations
- Contains three phase motors up to 600kW and offers single phase supply up to 4kW
- Comes complete with PID pressure control
- Helps in loss of prime protection
- Consists of a multi pump control (lead/lag) option
- ISO 9001 and CE certified
- Installations meeting AS 5033:2012
- Perfect for irrigation reticulation, centre pivot irrigation and lateral irrigators
- Offers 3 phase flood/surface irrigation lift pumping and sprinkler and subsurface irrigation
- Where access to 3 phase power is difficult or costly, it offers a no running cost option
- A great option where diesel is being utilized to reduce running and maintenance costs
- Greatly reduces noise
- Safeguards against rising electricity and diesel costs
- With solar modules, you can use the pump on solar during the day and off peak at night
- It is also suitable for water treatment and waste water treatment plants
All in all, it only makes sense to install solar modules on air-conditioning loads, compressors/cool stores, air compressors and many more applications. For more details, touch base with Glynncorp Electrical.